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Sara's story

Published on 6/5/2023

Another sufferer that we will take care of is Sara - the blind dog from the river. Served faithfully for 9 years and finally banished from the only place she could survive in this condition. Her master's home was also hers, until she lost her sight and was no longer needed, Sarah ended up in the river. Is this, man, your way of saying thank you to this being who loved you so much and believed you loved her so. All these years she has looked you in the eye with unreserved love and devotion. You were the most important thing to her, the one she trusted, and you betrayed her when she needed you the most, threw her away like trash without a heartbeat, condemned her to death. Sara should have been taken care of by the Municipality, but they have offered two options - the street or a "shelter". People who put thought into it will realize that neither option stands a chance for her. On the street he will survive no more than a few days, and in a cage in a "shelter" he will live in fear and stress, and die in torment and agony. You yourself understand that we cannot allow this. We hope that the municipal officials responsible for the fate of the animals will think about what they are doing to these living creatures.

Although small, there is some hope for Sarah. According to the doctor, her blindness is the result of a past illness. The fundus of the eyes are healthy and for the moment drops and an antibiotic are prescribed, after 15 days - a control examination. The prescribed treatment required round-the-clock care, which changed plans for Sarah. She has to stay in the veterinary clinic.

For a month now Sarah is safe, cared for, loved, seeking human attention and affection. Despite her rough appearance, she is actually very sweet and cuddly. Her attitude towards people makes it impossible not to love her with all your heart, because she is only looking for love. In addition to all of the above, Sarah often panted, which necessitated a visit to specialists. We did a heart ultrasound, several tests and a lung scan. After the examinations, the veterinarians at the Varna Veterinary Clinic suspected serious lung damage with suspected metastases. Despite all this, thanks to our friends from "Look", at the end of this month Sarah will go to Germany to her new home. There she will live out her old age surrounded by attention and love, sleeping in a soft and warm bed and one day, when her last hour comes, there will be someone by her side to hold her paw and cuddle her the way she loves. Sarah deserves it all. In this case, as in many like it, she will be better away from the man she has faithfully served all her active life. Away from the man she has trusted and loved unconditionally, she will find a shared love. All of us at the Association have experienced your sad fate with you, to reach this moment when we can send you with joy and tears in our eyes to a place where you will have a real home and a soft bed. You, dear girl, have a special place in all our hearts and you will stay there forever! Good luck and be happy, Sarah! Thank you to everyone who shared Sarah's fate with us. We also thank our friends from Look , who accompanied us on this difficult path and found a home for the girl. You all contributed to this happy ending! HUGE THANKS!

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